
The fastest most effective way to become acne free!

Acne comes in different shapes and sizes and is caused by a variety of factors. About 80% of young adults struggle with acne. There are a variety of treatments from over the counter, DIY at home remedies to laser treatments (like we do). We however do suggest seeing a professional as to going the DIY route as acne could result in scarring and dark spots if not treated promptly & correctly. 

6 Types of Acne

  1.  Whiteheads – clogged pore covered by skin thus the white appearance
  2.  Blackheads – clogged open pores (not covered by skin) thus the dark appearance
  3.  Papules – clogged pores causing swollen red bumps because of the pressure of the clogged pore
  4.  Pustulus – papules that become infected become pustules. Red bump (papules) develops a yellow cap & is filled with pus. 
  5.  Nodules – Hard bumps deep in the skin’s layer that never forms cap-like papules.
  6.  Cystic lesions – Red bumps deep under the skin’s layer filled with pus/liquids.


How is acne caused?

Acne is caused by oil, dead skin cells, and dirt that get clogged in the skin’s pores.

What is the average time it would take to get rid of acne through laser therapy?

Typically 4 – 8 treatments are necessary for people with acne to start seeing results. It depends on the condition and severity of the acne.

More About Acne

What foods cause acne?

Foods that are likely to cause acne are:

  •  Soda
  •  White Bread
  •  White Rice
  •  Cake
  •  Milk
  •  Chocolate 
  •  High Fiber Foods

What habits can you follow to reduce your chances of getting acne?

  • Drink water and exercise
  • Try to relax 
  • Wash (face/body twice a day)

Foods to combat acne?

  • Brown Rice
  • High Fiber Foods
  • Fennel
  • Garlic
  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Fish (Salmon)
  • Oysters
  • Seaweed
  • Nuts
  • Green Tea
  • Red Grapes
  • Foods rich in Vitamin A

Factors that increase the risk of getting acne?

  • Hormones and changes in hormones especially during puberty and pregnancy.
  • Certain medications, especially ones that contain corticosteroids, testosterone, or lithium.
  • Foods rich in carbohydrates
  • Stress

Removing Acne Scarring

Removing Acne Scarring

Become Acne Free!